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Jedi Temple / TJT

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We are an Organization (Team/Clan/Squad) within the PC Video Game Star Citizen, a Futuristic Space Faring Action, Strategy, RPG, Sim. This site is our Org site, but also a FAN page for the game. If you like what you see, we're welcoming new members. If you don't have the game yet, check it out here.


A UNIVERSE AWAITS. Imagine a universe that combines the freedom of exploration, the thrill of combat, and the unique challenge of building a life in space. Star Citizen puts ultimate control in the hands of the player, whether you're making your way as a cargo hauler, exploring the vastness of space, or scraping out a living outside the law, you will navigate through a mixture of procedurally generated and handcrafted worlds and interact with a variety of characters.

Star Citizen is in active development. You can download and play Star Citizen Alpha 3.0 now. Additional features and updates will be released as they are developed.


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